Monday, Wednesday and Friday
From 8 am to 1 pm
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
From 8 am to 1 pm
Apple smoothie
Tasty Granny®
Place the diced butter in a bowl and soften it in the microwave.
Then cream the butter and icing sugar together. Add the eggs at room temperature and whisk.
Then add the flour and mix using a wooden spoon. Knead the pastry into a square.
Place the pastry on cling film and seal it. Finally, using a rolling pin, flatten the dough evenly and set aside in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
Peel the 5 apples and dice them.
Then fry the diced apples in the butter and sugar over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until you obtain a compote.
Form the pastry into a ball and kneed it using a rolling pin.
Once flattened, prick the pastry using a fork, then turn it out into a tart tin or pastry ring, and line the tin.
Flatten the excess dough using the rolling pin. Repeat the step a second time, if your pastry doesn’t fall out of the ring, it’s a success!
Add the cold compote to the tart and flatten the edges slightly.
Pour in the egg whites and sugar, and mix.
Once the mixture has been blanched, add the flaked almonds, and mix.
Spread the mixture evenly over the compote.
Bake the tart for 25-30 minutes at 170°C.
You can add a few pieces of Tasty Granny® apple sprinkled with icing sugar.
Now all you have to do is dig in!
Cut the apples into large pieces, and grate them.
Put the oil and eggs in a bowl and mix using a wooden spatula.
In another bowl, mix the wholemeal flour, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon. Add the nuts, and mix.
Add the egg and oil mixture and mix well until the mixture is compact.
Add the grated apples and mix until the mixture is smooth.
Place the dough in a buttered cake tin and bake for 25-30 minutes at 170°C.
Cut off the ends of the apples, peel them and cut them into cubes.
Place them in a dish and add the lemon, sugar, ground cinnamon, and mix. Finally, add the diced butter.
Prepare the topping by mixing the flour, sugar, vanilla extract and butter in a bowl. Knead well. Add the oats. Place the topping on the apple pieces.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 30-35 minutes.
Sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Cut the apples into thin slices and dip them in the lemon and water mixture.
Start preparing the pastry by dicing the butter. Mix the flour with the icing sugar, ground almonds, salt, vanilla extract and add the butter. Knead well. Add one egg yolk and knead again. Wrap your pastry in cellophane and let it rest for 40 minutes in your refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. To prepare the almond cream, start by mixing the previously diced butter and the sugar. Add the ground almonds and rum. Mix well, and add the egg. Keep mixing.
Take your pastry and roll it into a ball, flatten and stretch it out to about 3mm thick. Press it into your tart tin and prick it gently with a fork. Then add the almond cream to the tart, and bake for 25 minutes.
Decorate the tart with the apple slices and sprinkle with pistachios.
Cut the apples into quarters. Divide the cucumbers into pieces. Soak them in water to clean them.
Blend the cucumbers with the apple wedges to obtain a juice.
Add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Mix well, and cool in ice.
Put a tablespoon of ground cinnamon in a flat bowl, then add 15g of sugar. Mix.
Rub a piece of lemon around the rim of your glasses. Then dip them into the cinnamon sugar mixture.
Add ice cubes to the glasses and pour in your juice. You can also decorate them with a piece of cinnamon, mint or small apple pieces!
Mercredi, jeudi et vendredi
de 10 h 00 à 13 h 00 et de 14 h 30 à 18 h 00.