Our certifications

The Engagé RSE – Confirmé label, awarded by AFNOR, attests to Cofruid’Oc’s advanced integration of social responsibility principles (environmental, social, governance) into its activities. This distinction, based on the ISO 26000 standard, recognizes a structured and sustainable commitment to responsible development.
The “Vergers écoresponsables” approach marks the commitment of apple growers to production methods that respect the environment and biodiversity in the orchards, in order to offer you quality, healthy and tasty French apples!

High Environmental Value (HEV) corresponds to the highest level – level 3 – of the environmental certification of farms, i.e. a level of excellence for farm systems with a high level of biodiversity and a very low use of inputs.

The GLOBALG.A.P. certification is largely considered to be highly reliable in terms of food safety and on-farm sustainability. The GLOBALG.A.P. certification thus offers growers the possibility to enter the international market.
CoC Number : 4063061939548

The EU Organic Certification is a quality certification which certifies that a product on the market complies with EU Organic Farming Regulations, which are based on the ban on synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.
The International Featured Standard is an auditing standard, created in 2003, which certifies private label food suppliers. It is based on the ISO 9001 standard and the HACCP system. It is similar to ISO 22000 which deals with food safety management.
Tesco’s Nurture certification is a set of specifications developed by the UK retailer TESCO, which is based on best agricultural practices with an emphasis on environmental farm management and employee and consumer safety.

GRASP stands for GLOBALG.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practice, and is a voluntary assessment that can be carried out in conjunction with a GLOBALG.A.P. audit.
BRC Food (British Retail Consortium) is a British standard for suppliers of private label and branded food products. The BRC standard takes a comprehensive approach to food product integrity, as advocated by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), by taking into account food safety, food fraud and food defence.